CMG stands for Color, Material, and Graphics. With this new, proprietary design application, we connected Nike’s design teams to development + manufacturing, enabling data-connected materials, color palettes, manufacturing data, seasonal line plans, graphics and more.


Feature planning + Research

My role included building new features and improving upon existing ones. I worked side-by-side with product management and development leads to plan scrums for upcoming features.

While working in an Agile environment day-to-day, we were also working with our head researcher, absorbing data and insights on the manufacturing process and feedback from ongoing user testing. This informed what features we should focus on next and where we need to pivot.


Internal Marketing

Concurrent with the work on CMG, we had to sell our product within the Nike org. We needed to explain our value: the massive impact it would have on Nike’s design + manufacturing processes.


Below is a sample from a 7-minute whiteboard video I produced and edited in AfterEffects, explaining the challenges we were aiming to remedy with the CMG application. It is based on a true story from our Lead Researcher’s initiatives.


Using an existing render from R/GA, I edited the tones to display various color ways and stitched this together with a product demo for presentation at our quarterly meeting, again showcasing our product and the value of our work.


Design + Engineering Lesson

Rather than redesigning every application to meet new design standards, we thought it best to teach developers “how to fish”.

This is a video capture of interactive InVision presentation I created for Nike DPC’s engineers and developers. I gave a lesson on foundational aesthetic principles, creating conceptual interfaces as examples on how applying these principles can improve the UX of an application.