Cristen Hayes

Portland, Oregon

Exploring New Territory at CooperSurgical R+D

Exploring New Territory at CooperSurgical R+D

For CooperSurgical, I architected a service flow and UX plan for a new service capability to enable tissue shipping and long-term cryostorage for IVF clinics through the Embryo Options platform.

This was a new landscape for both CooperSurgical and myself. Long-term cryostorage was a new capability to be built into the Embryo Options, a SaaS platform mainly utilized for billing and disposition within IVF Clinics. The long-term cryostorage service was yet to be implemented and I was tasked with building out not only the UX flows, but to architect a foundational service flow for the cryostorage capability. The long-term storage solicitation and approval process was quite complex, but the true challenge lie in the human element: How might patients (and IVF tissue owners) feel about taking the risk to ship their tissue to a long-term storage facility? What might go wrong when getting signatures of approval from ex-spouses that share ownership of their embryos? What is the value prop for clinics to move their revenue-generating tissue into long-term storage?


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Renovating Nike’s Digital Material Library

Renovating Nike’s Digital Material Library